2. A Mother who is not too Busy
One of the reasons, I am rallying against my unorganized, free-spirited nature and coming up with household plans this fall is for this very reason: organization makes time. But even the most organized among us are still be busy beyond measure. There are times, I have to choose to set aside a chore or a hobby and just take the time to be with my kids. Just take time to listen.

We all know the days are fleeting. Every gray-headed (or Clairol-covered) woman reminds us that “Before you know it, they won’t be kids anymore. They’ll be up and out of the house!!” And, I must say, this hit me hard this summer. My kids just grew up so much over those hazy summer months- emotionally, spiritually, physically. It seems like they changed overnight. And I’m reminded that every day I have the choice to continue pushing through til passing out, or stopping and taking the time for them.

One of my children in particular loves to talk. She rambles but not in woods. (more…)
