In closing this little series on leadership, let’s consider what results are produced when we choose to allow the Lord to grow us in the area of delegation. And just because I’m in a mood, they’re all in “F’s.” Now isn’t that Frightfully Fun?

Friendships Form
As I serve with ladies, I get to know them. We make memories together. We text each other, we send pins to one another, and in the end we find ourselves friends. When I delegate instead of isolate, I suddenly find that I don’t just “love” these ladies, but I really “like” them. We are bonded for we have gone to battle together!

I knew this from serving with ladies in previous ministries, but something else I did not expect happened. Women bonded with other women. As areas of service overlapped I would introduce ladies to each other through Facebook, via text, or in person. Women who had never met each other because of attending different services at church suddenly made a connection. Women met as they served selling tickets together after services. Sometimes a lady selling tickets would purchase a ticket for another woman who would come by the ticket table who was new or financially stretched. Once they had made each other’s acquaintance, they sat together at the event and often at church.

At my introduction, a lady making a large decoration for the stage met the lady doing the table décor. They even went shopping for their supplies together and later coordinated other personal projects together. They were kindred spirits and it just took a pastor’s wife willing to open the doors of service for them to connect. By the next event, they were already brainstorming together before I asked them to coordinate!

I sat back after all these introductions, and saw all the new Christian friendships that had been formed and knew then and there that we had a “win” no matter how the conference went!

Fulfilled Females
If you choose delegation, you’ll have ladies who will be fulfilled in serving. Isn’t our job in caring for the flock of God to equip the saints for service? Allowing women to serve gives them the opportunity to express their love to God through serving. They’ll find fulfillment because serving and bringing glory to Him is what we are made for.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

One of the ways we can do this is just getting out of the way so they have an opportunity to serve. Seriously, some of us are service hogs. We have done it for so long and perhaps have even gotten very good at it. And maybe we have forgotten that others are called to be a part of His work, too. Step aside and ask someone else to give you some help or an opinion. Reach out to that lady- even the quietest one- she will likely be so glad to be included. As your ministry heads have big projects to accomplish, ask them what day they are planning to do it and how many helpers they need. Then put the invite for a work day out on Facebook. A day or two before you are ready to set up for the event, send a mass email or text to ladies of the church to open the opportunities to come and help giving a brief description of the work that needs to be done. (Some ladies can’t move chairs or vacuum but would love to sit and fold or cut.) Do whatever you can to give an open invite to the ladies who are interested. It is often through these invitations that I discover a hidden talent or a get to know a lady’s giftedness.

Filled Functions
Ladies are supportive of the event and will attend if they are part of the service team. How frustrating to have an event where ladies are pessimistic or won’t attend. You know that God has great things in store for them at this event, but they will miss out because they can be easily discouraged away from coming.
As women become part of an event, they begin to take ownership of that event. It becomes “their conference” and wild horses couldn’t stop them from attending. They will be excited because they know what is coming. They will tell the other ladies in their small group or Sunday school class- ones who might not come on their own and ones who you would not see or be able to convince to attend- about the special things they are working on for the event! Talk about back door promotion!

Fresh Features (grown in you by the Father)
You will grow personally as you work with other ladies.
In our last blog, we considered temperaments and how God has gifted each individual lady. I hope that you realize that this applies to you as well! One thing to note though is that the growing Christian is not limited or restrained to only the giftedness of one temperament!

Let me express this in a question: Which of the four main temperaments was Jesus?
Jesus had all the strengths and none of the weaknesses of the temperaments.

The beautiful thing about being a daughter of God is that we have certainty from the Scriptures that God will be changing us into the image of His Son as we follow Him. One of the delights of my Christian walk has been seeing traits that are so foreign to me begin to sprout up in my life! One of the ways that He teaches me is by bringing me to work alongside of others in the body of Christ. This is yet another reason why delegation is so important. As I work alongside a lady who is a details woman, I can’t help but notice how she keeps records. As she sends me budgets or emails, I am able to learn by exposure to her giftedness. As a leading lady instructs her crew, I can pick up on her clear, concise directions and make mental notes of how I was too apologetic and lengthy with instructions the last time I was leading. Standing alongside a social, I watch as people seem slightly nervous and unsure and how her smile and verbal greeting to them puts them at ease. I watch as she asks questions about them or doles out kind compliments. And there is no better teacher than working alongside a creative. Following her instructions in preparing a centerpiece or how to paint a stage prop takes the nervousness of crafting away and gives me confidence and ideas for future events.

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together….” Hebrews 10:24-25a

Freed for Fellowship
You will be able to host or at least not be exhausted at the event. We’ve discussed this one, but I can’t overemphasize this! People over program!! The most important thing that may happen that day is the opportunity you have to connect or counsel ladies. Great delegation frees you up to do this.

Fantastic Finish
Bigger and better things can be done with a team. What is it they say? Team: Together Everyone Achieves Much.

I am a pastor’s wife, but I am also a wife and a mother. I have 3 children that need help with school, transportation to piano lessons, and a cheerleader at ballgames. I have cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking to do (well cooking when I can’t get out of it!). I work part time at the church offices, and I can only do so much. I will have to cut corners if I go it alone. I cannot cover every aspect of a conference. I cannot stand at the door and greet as well as prep the food and sell the tickets. But as the body of Christ works together, we can make great strides for Him and have a wonderful time doing it. If you feel intimidated in leading, pray for strength. Remember God is the One who gives authority and for this particular project or ministry, He chose you! He doesn’t make mistakes. Don’t be intimidated and don’t be defensive. Be humble, be gracious, and invite people in to serve.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20

Father is (Glori-)Fied (ok that one was too hard!)
“As every man hath received the gift, even so let him minister!!!!! the same one to another…that God in in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ.” I Peter 4:10-11 (exclamation points added ☺)

Isn’t this the reason we do everything we do? What matters is that God is glorified. When we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and lead even though we know alone we aren’t capable…God gets the glory.

When imperfect women come together and serve to accomplish something for Him….God gets the glory.

When believers begin to grow in Christ as they learn from one another….God gets the glory.

When Christians begin to befriend and care for other Christians even after the event is over…God gets the glory.

When visitors see a ministry that is done in a first class manner and involves many different types of women all gifted by their Creator….God gets the glory.

And that is reason enough for us to step out of our solitary comfort zones. I promise you’ll be so glad that you did!
